CAD to BAM exchange rate today

Convert Canadian Dollar to Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark to send a cheap international money transfer

1 CAD = 1.24606 BAM
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What is the CAD to BAM exchange rate today?

The CAD to BAM exchange rate today is 1.24606. This is the mid-market exchange rate, which isn’t always the same as the rate a bank or an international money transfer service will give you. We’ll look at that more in just a moment.

Exchange rates change very frequently based on fluctuations in the global currency market. That means you’ll need to keep an eye on the live CAD to BAM exchange rate before you convert or send a payment to Bosnia and Herzegovina from Canada, so you’ll know how far your money will go in BAM.

How does the currency exchange rate work?

The CAD to BAM exchange rate describes the amount you’ll get in Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark when you exchange a single Canadian Dollar. This can help you work out how much you’ll get in the end in BAM when you convert money for a trip, or send a payment to someone.

Currency exchange rates vary a lot depending on a very broad range of factors, including global currency market movements, economic and political stability and more. Usually when you search for an exchange rate online you’ll see the mid-market exchange rate. This is the rate used when banks and large institutions trade currencies on a wholesale level, but it’s not necessarily the rate you’ll get when you convert as a retail customer.

To see the rate your bank or preferred international money transfer service offers, you’ll need to visit their website - or use our handy currency converter tools to see which provider might offer the best deal for your specific needs.

CAD to BAM currency graphic

See the price of the CAD - BAM in real time and check the historical values of the currency compared to the real.

1 CAD = 1.24606 BAM

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About BAM

Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark is the official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here is some information about it:

  • Currency name: Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark
  • ISO code: BAM
  • Symbol: KM
  • Subunit: 1/100 = Fening

Best time to buy BAM?

There’s not really a best time to buy BAM, as the exchange rate you get will change frequently depending on factors outside of your own control.

It’s worth keeping an eye on the live Canadian Dollar to Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark rate, and looking at historical exchange rate data to see what trends emerge. This can help you spot a good rate when one is available, and will help you prepare to convert money or send your overseas payment.

How about CAD?

If you need to switch BAM - or any other foreign currency - back to CAD, again, you’ll need to watch exchange rates to get a feel for the trends and the best time to exchange. You may also want to shop around a bit to see which providers can offer the best deal based on your specific needs, to make sure you get the most CAD back in the end.

Where to buy BAM today?

You may be able to buy BAM from a bank, a physical currency exchange store, or online. Which option suits you will depend a lot on what you need the money for, and how urgently.

Not all banks offer travel cash, and where this is available you may need to order in advance. Physical currency exchange offices can be quicker if they hold the currency you need in stock. Or, as an alternative you might want to look at digital currency exchange services, like Wise or OFX, which allow you to open an account with your phone, to add CAD from your bank or with a card, and convert digitally to BAM. You can then use your BAM balance to send to someone else, or in some cases, you can spend with a linked digital or physical card.


The Wise multi-currency account allows you to buy, hold, and spend Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Marks and over 40 other currencies at the real exchange rate with no markup. In addition to saving on currency exchange, the service offers a debit card linked to the account and 2 free withdrawals per month of up to 250 GBP and provides local bank details for receiving payments in 9 currencies.


OFX was founded in 1998, and has 1 million+ customers. You can send payments in 55 currencies with OFX. Through your personal broker you can also set up forward exchange contracts and target rate orders to help manage currency risks when transacting or holding high values of foreign currencies.

OFX is available to send to 170 countries in 50 currencies. It doesn’t use a transfer fee for international payments. However, there is an exchange rate markup - which is a fee wrapped up in the exchange rate being offered.

How to get the best exchange rate when buying BAM today?

The only way to know you’re getting the best available BAM exchange rate is to do some research. The best rate may depend on whether you need cash or want to send a payment, and which providers are convenient for you based on your location. Many services list their live exchange rates online which makes them easier to check and compare, which offers some reassurance you’ll get a good deal in the end.

How to order foreign currency online

Depending on your needs, you may find you can order BAM online for collection or delivery in cash - or you could choose a multi-currency account from a specialist provider which lets you add funds in your preferred currency and switch over to BAM instantly.

Cash services might suit you if you want travel money ready for a trip, but a digital account could also work if you pick a provider which offers a debit card. You can simply use this to make withdrawals on arrival from an ATM, so you’ll be able to pay with card or cash, depending on what’s best for your particular transaction.

How to open a BAM account in the Canada

If you need to send or receive overseas payments in BAM you might be wondering how to open a BAM account in the Canada.

You may find you can open a BAM account in Canada through your bank - or you might prefer to look at a non-bank alternative provider which offers multi-currency accounts instead. Bank services can vary widely and may come with some quite high minimum balance requirements and costs. Often specialist providers can offer more flexible account services, including holding CAD and BAM, with low fees and easy ways to send and receive payments, or spend with a card when you’re travelling.

How to send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina?

You can send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina through your bank or a specialist international money transfer service.

Most banks offer international payments all over the world. However, the fees can be pretty high and you’ll normally also pay a charge which is rolled into the exchange rate that is used to convert CAD to BAM for deposit to your recipient’s account. Before you send your payment with your bank it’s worth also comparing a few specialist services.

Specialist money transfer services still allow you to fund your transfer to Bosnia and Herzegovina through your bank’s online banking system, or you can pay with your debit or credit card in many cases, too. Your money is then converted and deposited in your recipient’s account - or you might be able to select options to send money to a mobile wallet account or for cash collection instead.

It’s easy to compare different solutions to send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina using our currency conversion and payment calculator tools. Just enter the details of the transfer you need to make, to see the available fees and exchange rates for many popular providers.

Frequently asked questions when converting CAD to BAM

How much is the CAD to BAM exchange rate?

The CAD to BAM exchange rate today is 1.24606. That’s the amount you’ll get in BAM when you exchange a single Canadian Dollar.

How much is 1,000 CAD to BAM?

To calculate how much you’ll get in BAM if you exchange 1,000 CAD you’ll need to multiply the live CAD to BAM exchange rate by 1,000. If you want to make it easier you can also use our currency conversion and comparison tools which show you exactly what you’d get for 1,000 CAD from different services.

How to exchange CAD to BAM?

You may be able to buy BAM from a bank, a physical currency exchange store, or online. Which option suits you will depend a lot on what you need the money for, and how urgently.

How to send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina?

You can send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina through your bank or a specialist international money transfer service. It’s easy to compare different solutions to send money to Bosnia and Herzegovina using our currency conversion and payment calculator tools. Just enter the details of the transfer you need to make, to see the available fees and exchange rates for many popular providers.

What is the mid-market rate?

The mid-market exchange rate is the rate used when banks and large institutions trade currencies on a wholesale level, but it’s not necessarily the rate you’ll get when you convert as a retail customer. Instead, providers will often add a fee, known as a markup, on the rate they use to convert foreign currencies for cash, or to send a payment abroad. Compare a few different services using our helpful tools, to see which offers the best rate for your specific needs.